How to set off fireworks correctly?

How to set off fireworks correctly?

Rules for the use of pyrotechnics for the home

- Do not light cake candles near flammable objects
- Don't point confetti and crackers at people
Rules for the use of pyrotechnics on the street

- Launch fireworks only in designated areas
- Keep spectators at a safe distance from fireworks. The minimum distance is indicated on the packaging
- Make sure there are no small children or animals nearby that might be frightened
- Secure the fireworks securely to prevent them from tipping over
- Do not approach the product 3-5 minutes after the end of the fireworks

Do not set off fireworks between 22:00 and 07:00
It is forbidden:

- Misuse of pyrotechnics
- Launching fireworks in strong winds
- Launch fireworks near houses, trees and flammable objects
- Use of damaged or expired products
- disassemble the product
- Launching fireworks from balconies, rooftops, loggias, from hands
- Aim fireworks at people and animals
- Approach the product within 10-15 minutes in case it does not work

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